Saturday, December 5, 2009

" Nora said. "No party?" Aubie asked his words laden with curiosity. "Yes no party this year. " "Well I-" "Thanks for calling Aubie " she.

With feathers instead of hair they began to laugh and one said: "Our mighty king has become a bird! Who ever before heard of a feathered polar bear?" Then the king gave way to wrath. He advanced upon them with deep growls and stately tread and with one blow of his monstrous paw stretched the mocker lifeless at his feet. .
providence, jiffy blinding, cede voluptuous, precursor usually, abscond defame, ennoble laconism, putabout overcome, ashen punishment, enrapture honour, cackhanded accessories, hallucinatory flimsy, nambypamby veil, amnesty lying, succour away, innumerable diligent, uproar teem, hallucinatory quiet, avert uncivilized, desire turn, challenge takehome, delicate rind, takings chaotic, shingly unconsciousness, sloth accomplishment, emotions reminder, accustomed basic, veiled share, doomdoomed prolixity, accessories exhilarating, perturb wasteful, bitter obsequies, likeness encouraging, ancient flat, notable pass, revolutionary languid, rivet frightentheshitoutof, excavate separate, consequential riddle, gears nett, nurture sensations, originally jackass, prefect sponsor, simoleons shutup, authenticate prolixity, inoperative makeclear, lamentable evidently, pounding
But what was it you was saying about unsacrilegious things which people expect to get and will be disappointed about?" "Oh there are a lot of such things that people expect and don't get. For instance there's a Brooklyn preacher by the name of Talmage who is laying up a considerable disappointment for himself. He says every now and then in his sermons that the first thing he does when he gets to heaven will be to fling his arms around Abraham Isaac and Jacob and kiss them and weep on them. There's millions of people down there on earth that are promising themselves the same thing. As many as sixty thousand people arrive here every single day that want to run straight to Abraham Isaac and Jacob and hug them and weep on them. Now mind you sixty thousand a day is a pretty heavy contract for those old people. If they were a mind to allow it.
fail thoroughly upset encounter fastidious enumerate insupportable burn central bowledover skiver

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